Reminder: Administrator Service Fees for Website Restoration and Website/Database Unlock

  • Monday, 3rd February, 2025
  • 10:20am

Dear Clients and Reseller,

We would like to remind you of the Administrator Service Fees associated with certain requests to ensure efficient resource allocation and service delivery. Please review the details below:

  • Website Restoration Fee
    • A fee of RM50 will be applied for website restoration requests only if the restoration is requested more than once within a 6-month period.
    • The first restoration request within a 6-month window will remain free of charge.
  • website/Database Lock/Unlock Fee
    • Locking a database is free of charge.
    • A fee of RM50 will be applied for each request to unlock a database.

These fees are in place to cover the administrative efforts and resources required to process these requests. We encourage everyone to plan and manage their requests carefully to avoid unnecessary charges.

If you have any questions or need further clarification, please feel free to contact our [Sales Team].

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Best regards,

Modernone Data Solutions Sdn. Bhd. |


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