Hypervm installation instruction Stampa

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Once the server is ready (configured with LVM) login as root and issue the following commands:

1. setenforce 0
If it says disabled then good if it doesnt the issue the following:

nano /etc/sysconfig/selinux
edit the first line to disabled (the first option)
then save

For Master: wget http://download.lxcenter.org/download/hypervm/production/hypervm-install-master.sh
For slave: wget http://download.lxcenter.org/download/hypervm/production/hypervm-install-slave.sh

For Master: sh ./hypervm-install-master.sh --virtualization-type=xen
For Slave: sh ./hypervm-install-slave.sh --virtualization-type=xen

4. Now wait until everything is done (couple of hours!)
5. once its finished edit the boot config

nano /boot/grub/menu.lst
edit default=1 to default=0

6. reboot the machine
7. http://ip:8888 the default user and pass is admin
8. configure ip pools etc.. thats all

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