Migrate OpenVZ VM to Xen Print

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1. Create Xen VM with similar specs as original OpenVZ VM. Ensure Xen VM can boot and SSH OK.

2. Shutdown both VMs.

3. Backup Xen VM.
- SSH Destination Xen node ( e.g. server09 )
- Identify VM ID from SolusVM
# cd /home/xen/VMID
# grep disk VMID.cfg
ramdisk = '/boot/solus-initrd.img'
disk = ['phy:/dev/VolGroup00/vm307_img,sda1,w', 'phy:/dev/VolGroup00/vm307_swap,sda2,w']
- Copy this disk image device, and paste to mount it as below:-
# mount /dev/VolGroup00/vm307_img ./mnt
# df -h
15G 631M 14G 5% /home/xen/vm307/mnt
- Make backup of original Xen VM:-
# cd /home/xen/VMID
# cp -ai mnt mnt.orig

4. Transfer Source VM to Destination VM
- SSH Source OpenVZ node ( e.g. server04 )
- Identify VM ID (VZID) from SolusVM
- Create exclusion files list:-
# vim /root/exclude.txt
[ For CentOS: See APPENDIX I ]
[ For Ubuntu / Debian: See APPENDIX II ] 
- Perform the transfer ( Use private IP address of destination Xen node, e.g. for server09, use ):-
# rsync --exclude-from="/root/exclude.txt" --delete --numeric-ids -avpogtStlHz -e "ssh -p 22222" /vz/private/VZID/

5. Unmount destination VM and boot new VM.
- SSH Destination Xen Node
- Unmount destination Xen VM
# umount /home/xen/VMID/mnt
- Boot VM via SolusVM
- Verify all OK

6. Backup and Remove old OpenVZ VM
- SSH Source OpenVZ Node
# cd /vz/private
# cp -ai VZID VZID.backup
- Remove Source OpenVZ Node via SolusVM.



1. When booting new Xen VM, watch the Xen Console and see if any kernel modules failing to load due to file not found, e.g.:-

- SSH destination Xen Node
# xm console VMID

modprobe: FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.18-194.26.1.el5xen/modules.dep: No such file or directory

- If so, copy the desired node kernel modules from node to VM

- Shutdown VM
- Mount VM storage (see above)
- Copy kernel modules from node
# rsync -av /lib/modules/2.6.18.xxxxxxx /home/xen/VMID/mnt/lib/modules/
- Unmount storage ( see above)
- Boot VM and confirm no more kernel load errors.

APPENDIX 1: /root/exclude.txt : CentOS VM


APPENDIX 2: Ubuntu / Debian VM


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